Dave Eavenson Passes Away

Our chapter is mourning the loss of our longtime leader, Dave Eavenson, the retired Athletic  Director from Carlisle Area School District. Dave was a track coach early in his career. Dave had been active in track since serving as a coach in western PA early in his career. His father, Dave Eavenson senior, the Athletic Director at Dickinson College, had helped start the Central PA Chapter of PIAA Track and Field Officials, and Dave was served as Secretary/Treasurer for decades. Dave was also instrumental at organizing crews of officials to work a variety of high school and college meets including the MAC Championships.

Dave was inducted into the Pennsylvania State Athletic Directors Association 2018 Hall of Fame on March 22 and was a member of the executive board. He was previously president of PSADA for two years, when he also served on the PIAA Board of Directors. He also served on the PIAA oversight committee and was president of the South Central chapter of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame among his numerous other responsibilities.